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TN Scholar Recognition

TN Scholars is a recognition Program that involves community business leaders helping motivate all students to complete a rigorous course of study that will prepare them for college and their careers.

  • 60 - 80 hours of community service.  Community service is a service provided to the community for which you do not receive payment or compensation. The community service cannot be linked to a class that you received a grade for. 

  • Medallion worn at graduation

  • Gold seal on diploma

  • Local, state & national recognition

  • Note: 60 hours community service, NO out-of-school suspensions and 95% attendance is required

  •  For the class of  2023-24: 60+ community service hours  for the class 2023-24. 

  • Beginning with the graduating class of 2024-25, the hours have increased back to 80 hours of community service required. Check out this website for Local Volunteer Opportunities.

  • TN Scholar hours are accept during all 4 years of high school.